Costa Rica

Staff August 11, 2019 0
Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small country in Latin American between Nicaragua and Panama. The country is unique because it is one of the few countries in the world which has no standing army. To prevent coups and other similar problems, the government of the country decided to abolish the army and use the money for the welfare of the people, improving healthcare, education, and other facilities. Hence the education levels and healthcare facilities are of excellent standards, conforming to the best in the world.

The country is a popular tourist destination since it has a large number of volcanoes, beaches, cloud forests, and rivers. It has exotic flora and fauna with a large number of tropical birds and other animals. It is the most popular tourist destination in Central America.

The country has a population of approximately 5 million, and a large part of the population lives in and around the capital San Jose. Most of the people speak Spanish. The country has police for maintaining law and order.

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